Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Last Update: April 3, 2020

This document, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, is intended to inform visitors of this website about the types of personal data processed, the purposes and methods of treatment, as well as the rights they can exercise regarding protection of their data. In order to ensure a better understanding of this document, "visitor", "you", "your" or "user" are referred to any user who visits this website.

Data Controller

Name: Salvatore Ganci
Country: Italy
Italian Fiscal Code: GNCSVT46A16D636S

In order to simplify understanding of this document, we inform you that Salvatore Ganci, responsible for data processing, may also be indicated with the use of expressions such as "Owner" or "Data Controller" (when used without additional words which may associate "Owner" or "Data Controller" to other companies or people involved in a data processing activity) , "we" and "us".

 1.) Application of this privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to website and subdomains.

Please note that this privacy policy does not apply to any third-party websites linked or mentioned within the pages of this website.

2.) Types of data collected and details on data processing

When opening and browsing this website, some personal data may be collected. Personal data are divided into technical data, which are collected automatically when browsing this website, and data provided spontaneously by the user.

2.a Technical data
Also because of the natural functioning of communication protocols and of access to internet, a collection of personal data strictly connected to the display of this website - data that can also be stored in so-called "log files" - may be operated automatically by the services in use in this website (such as the hosting service used for this website). These data may include:

  • details on the navigation browser and on the operating system used on your device
  • your IP address, domain names and general data about your Internet Service Provider
  • details on the pages you have visited during your browsing activity on this website and data on any paths followed while viewing several pages of this website in sequence
  • data regarding eventual websites of origin visited before opening this website (these data may be included, for example, when a page of this website is opened by following a link from another page)
  • details on the country from which you are accessing the website and on the language set in your browser
  • date and time of actions performed inside this website (for example, accessing a web page) and time spent browsing this website
  • technical data on the visitor's access requests to the server on which this website is hosted, including: requests methods (for example the HTTP "GET" and "POST" methods), size of downloaded files, any codes generated while browsing this website (for example, error codes including 404 - Page Not Found, or codes that are generated when performing a legit request when accessing resources hosted on the server, such as 200 - OK)
2.b Personal data provided spontaneously by the user
Please note this website does not contain any contact form, registration system, newsletter subscription system or other tools that involve the voluntary entry of personal data by the user. Anyway Owner's contact details (which may include email address, social media profiles and any other information) are published on this website. If the user voluntarily contacts any of these addresses, this will involve the automatic acquisition of the contact details of the user, which may eventually be used to reply. In no way will these contact details be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than those strictly connected to the ability to reply to any communications sent to us by the user.

2.c Details on web hosting service where this website is hosted:
A web hosting service provides a web space in which a website can be hosted. This website's hosting service, in particular, is provided by Aruba S.p.A., an Italian company, and the website is hosted in Italy. For more details about Aruba S.p.A. you can check the website: Please note that nor this website, nor its owner, are affiliated in any way with Aruba S.p.A.

2.d Data processing methods and security measures
  • Data processing is performed by means of IT and telematic systems. Data are processed within any places where the subjects involved in the data processing are located.
  • Some browsers provide a feature which allows users to send "do not track" request to the websites that support them. Actually this website does not support "do not track" requests. For more information about compatibility of any third-party services with "do not track" feature, please refer to the respective privacy policies.
  • This website is not specifically aimed at users under the age of 18. Parents and legal guardians of minors are invited to contact the Owner if they believe data of minors of which they are parents or legal guardians are processed.
  • Data are processed by the Owner. If necessary, data may also be processed by other natural and juridical persons involved in the Owner’s activities or to whom the Owner assigns certain tasks, such as but not limited to, lawyers or internet service providers. In no case will the data be sold or transferred for advertising purposes. For any doubt or question, the user is invited to contact the Owner.
  • The Owner undertakes to guarantee security of this website. He also adopts specific additional measures in order to limit the possibility of breaches or violations in the processing of data, such as the adoption of passwords and other security access keys suitable to minimize the risk of possible violations and, where possible, additional security measures such as, for example, additional authentication systems based on the sending of temporary codes via SMS, phone call or generated through specific applications.

3.) Purposes and legal bases for the data processing

3.a Processing of technical data
Data are processed for the purposes related to the maintenance and use of this website.

Since technical data is collected and processed automatically on this website, also by means of the so-called "system logs", these data are mandatory and strictly necessary for use of this website. In case of refusal of consent to the processing of these data strictly connected to the possibility of visiting this website, the visitor is asked to refrain from visiting this website.

3.b Processing of contact details and terms of conservation of such data and of messages
If the user explicitly and voluntarily communicates with us through our contact details published on this website, this will involve automatic acquisition of contact details of the sending user, which may eventually be used to reply to him. The purposes of processing this data are therefore related to communication with the user regarding any questions or requests for information, assistance and support to the user, as well as the purposes referred to in point 3.c.
The user who explicitly and voluntarily communicates with us through any of our contact details agrees to be contacted exclusively for the purposes indicated above and for the purposes referred to in point 3.c, he also agrees to the preservation of any messages (which may also include contact references, as in the case of emails, which contain, among other information, data on senders and recipients), for an undefined period of time, until such consent is explicitly revoked.  However, storage may also be carried out independently of this consent, if it is necessary for the legit protection of the Owner’s rights and interests or for the fulfillment of legal obligations, for the duration of the time strictly necessary to satisfy these purposes.

3.c Additional purposes regarding legal protection of the Owner’s interests and fulfillment of legal obligations and data retention for these purposes
Please note that, in addition to the purposes previously mentioned before and related to the processing activity of the various types of personal data, all personal data of users visiting this website or performing a contact action through the Owner’s contact details, can also be processed for the purposes of legal protection of the Owner’s rights and legitimate interests, including the right to defense in court, and will be kept for the time strictly necessary to guarantee these protections. In addition to this, they can also be processed for the purposes of fulfilling any legal obligations and will be kept for the time strictly necessary for the fulfillment of these obligations.

Please also note that if the user, by contacting the Owner, should voluntarily provide him with personal data belonging to a third party, it is their own responsibility to ensure that he has obtained prior consent from this third party, if required by law: otherwise, we inform you that the Owner is in no way responsible for any conduct of unauthorized disclosure of third party personal data operated by a user.

We would like to remind users that, for any doubt related to the processing of personal data that takes place during the visit of this website, it is possible to contact the Owner at any time, at the addresses indicated above in the "Data Controller" section.

4.) Cookie Policy

Cookies are short text files containing data and which are used by websites in order to store information on the devices of users visiting these websites.  Generally there are different types of cookies: session cookies (which generally have a relatively short retention time) and persistent cookies, with a longer retention period.  In the same way, cookies can have different purposes: where session cookies have technical and access management purposes to a website, among the persistent cookies there are different types of cookies, including those with the purpose of statistical analysis or even user profiling, marketing activity often used to show targeted advertisements or in any case to determine what are the interests and habits of the user. With regard to the cookies installed by this website, we inform you that:

  • This website does not make use of profiling cookies or other tracking systems. Furthermore, no third-party cookies are installed by this website.
  • This website makes exclusive use of non-persistent session cookies for the strict purpose of allowing access to the website.  Storage of cookies is under the control of the user, who also has the right to delete any cookies stored through specific web browser settings.

Please note that it is your right to prevent the storage of cookies on your device, if you deem it appropriate.  To do this, you need to change the settings of your browser.  Please refer to the support resources specific of the browser you are currently using, in order to acquire the technical information necessary to perform this.  In order to facilitate this task, an example but non-exhaustive list of support resources relating to some of the most commonly used browsers is proposed below, with more information on how to disable the storage of cookies:

As the above list is purely indicative and not exhaustive, you should get informed about the specific browser and the operating environment you are running on your device.

5.) Your rights

As a person whose data are processed, collected and/or held, it is your legitimate right to exercise the following rights:
  • Right to get informed by the Data Controller in case any personal data is being processed;
  • Right to request the Data Controller access to your processed personal data;
  • Right to get informed by the Data Controller on the purposes of the processing of personal data;
  • Right to get informed by the Data Controller on the categories of personal data processed;
  • Right to get informed by the Data Controller on the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and any recipients from third countries or international organizations, if present;
  • Right to get informed by the Data Controller on the retention period of personal data provided where possible and, where not possible, on the criteria used to determine this period;
  • Right to request the Data Controller to rectify or delete personal data, to limit processing of personal data or to oppose data processing, with the exception of specific needs to keep any collected data resulting from specific requests of the judicial authorities, law enforcement and more  in general, from situations in which further retention is indispensable in order to fulfill legal obligations or to protect a legitimate right of the Owner, such as, but not limited to, right of defense in a court;
  • Right to revoke any agreement to the processing of personal data previously expressed;
  • Right to file a complaint with a data protection authority, for example the Italian Data Protection Authority (whose website is;
  • Right to get informed by the source of data that is not collected directly from the interested party;
  • Right to get informed about any automated decision-making processes, including any profiling referred to in art. 22 and, at least in such cases, significant information on the logic used and on the importance and expected consequences of this treatment for the interested party;
  • Right to get informed about the existence of adequate guarantees relating to the transfer of personal data to a third country or international organization, pursuant to art. 46, in case this happens;
  •  Right to request a copy of the personal data being processed. In the event of further copies requested by the interested party, the Data Controller may charge a reasonable fee contribution based on administrative costs.  If the interested party submits the request by electronic means, unless otherwise indicated by the interested party, the information is provided in a commonly used electronic format. This right must not harm the rights and freedom of others.

In order to exercise these rights, you can contact the Data Controller, whose references and contact details are indicated in the "Data Controller" section at the beginning of this privacy policy, references that, for your convenience, are shown here again: 

Name: Salvatore Ganci
Country: Italy
Italian Fiscal Code: GNCSVT46A16D636S

The Data Controller undertakes to provide a feedback regarding your request within the maximum period of 1 (one) month from the date of receipt.

6.) Validity of this privacy policy & updates

This privacy policy is valid from the date of last update shown at the beginning of this document. We would like to remind you that:
  • in case of modification or revision of this privacy policy, the "last update" value shown at the beginning of this document will be updated as well
  • any changes, revisions and additions to this privacy policy will be published instantly on this page. Since this website does not collect visitors' personal contact data (for example, through newsletter subscriptions or account registration) and therefore makes the Data Controller unable to contact visitors in order to inform them about a modification of this privacy policy, visitors are invited to periodically consult this page in order to stay up to date on any changes

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